University of Hartford

When the University of Hartford was incorporated just over 50 years ago by business and community leaders, they envisioned a center of education and culture for Greater Hartford. Read more...

WWUH FCC On Line Public File


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Tuesday April 03, 2012
Start: 04/03/2012 12:00 pm
End: 04/03/2012 12:30 pm

This week on New World Notes: radio program #213, April 3, from 12:00 to 12:30 p.m., host Kenneth Dowst excerpts a talk by Richard Wolff.

Monday April 09, 2012
Start: 04/09/2012 9:00 am
End: 04/09/2012 12:00 pm

Sue Terry, the former Program Director of WWUH, first degree recipient of the Hartt School's Jazz program, internationally loved musician and writer, was listening to WWUH from South America the other morning ("it streamed loud and clear," she reported).

Tuesday April 10, 2012
Start: 04/10/2012 12:00 pm
End: 04/10/2012 12:30 pm


This week on New World Notes: radio program #214, April 10, from 12:00 to 12:30 p.m., host Kenneth Dowst excerpts a talk by Richard Wolff.

Monday April 16, 2012
Start: 04/16/2012 1:00 pm
End: 04/16/2012 4:00 pm


Tuesday April 24, 2012
Start: 04/24/2012 9:00 am
End: 04/24/2012 12:00 pm


Start: 04/24/2012 12:00 pm
End: 04/24/2012 12:30 pm

This week on New World Notes: radio program #216, April 24, from 12:00 to 12:30 p.m., host Kenneth Dowst presents a program on Peak Oil, Peak Natural Gas, Peak Electricity: Why "More of the Same" is Not an Option.