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When the University of Hartford was incorporated just over 50 years ago by business and community leaders, they envisioned a center of education and culture for Greater Hartford. Read more...

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New World Notes - The Art of the Rant

02/28/2012 12:00 pm
02/28/2012 1:00 pm

This week on New World Notes: radio program #208, February 28, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m., host Kenneth Dowst hosts a special hour-long live program for Spring Pledge Marathon.

A celebration of that under-appreciated verbal art form, the rant.

Good rants are extreme, impolite, impolitic, impassioned, publicly significant--and by and large true. We feature choice rants by Paddy Chayevsky (from the movie Network, 1976), George Carlin (1992), George Galloway (2006), and TeneBROUST (2009). Alas, all--even the oldest--are still cogent and very relevant!

This special program will also include other features and some music (punctuated by occasional requests for a pledge).

Call during this hour, and your pledge will register as support for the station's public affairs programs in general and New World Notes in particular. Be thanked on-air (by first name and town) or remain anonymous, as you choose.

1 - 800 - 444 - WWUH (- 9984) or 860-768-4008