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New World Notes - Michael Parenti: The Goals and Results of American Imperialism (Part 2 of 2)

01/17/2012 12:00 pm
01/17/2012 12:30 pm

This week on New World Notes: radio program #2202, January 17, from 12:00 to 12:30 p.m., host Kenneth Dowst plays excerpts from a recent talk by Michael Parenti.

Progressive political scientist Michael Parenti is in fine form in this recent speech, which brings together his key insights about the practice and purpose of the U.S. Empire and imperialism. Some of Parenti's main points will be familiar to long-time fans. Here they are made with fine wit and good specific examples from current events.

Parenti argues that the purpose of our imperialism is not national glory but rather the further enriching of Wall Street and other transnational corporations. U.S. foreign policy seems "stupid," "irrational," or "self-defeating" only to those who misunderstand its real goals.

Highlights of Part Two (this week) include a survey of the many governments the U.S. has overthrown. In each case, the other country had attempted to chart an independent economic course.

Parenti spoke at the University of Guelph (Ontario) on November 2, 2011. Audio (edited by KD) taken from the videotape of the talk available at