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New World Notes - Morris Berman

01/03/2012 12:00 pm
01/03/2012 12:30 pm

This week on New World Notes: radio program #200, January 3, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m., host Kenneth Dowst plays excerpts from a talk by Morris Berman.

With great wit and humor--and clever specific examples--cultural historian Morris Berman argues a gloomy main point: American civilization as we know it is doomed. Few prophets of doom are as enjoyable to listen to as Berman, though.

Here he discusses 13 ways America is going to hell in a handbasket.

(#2 includes this: the new American History school curriculum in Texas has a unit on Estee Lauder but not George Washington. Berman asks: why not Kim Kardashian?)

From an hour-long talk by Berman in Seattle, November 4, 2011. Video of the entire talk available from Pirate TV Seattle (, complete audio track from Unwelcome Guests (

Berman's most recent book is Why America Failed: The Roots of Imperial Decline (Wiley, 2011).