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New World Notes - Kathy Kelly and the Sorrows of War (Part 2)

12/13/2011 12:00 pm
12/13/2011 12:30 pm

This week and next on New World Notes: radio program #197, December 13, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m., noted peace activist Kathy Kelly discusses the reality of the U.S.'s recent wars.

This week's topics include how poverty in Afghanistan aids the Taliban, empire vs. national security, the US-sponsored Israeli attack on Gaza (2008-2009), M.L. King's opposition to the Vietnam War, and the sufferings of soldiers. Kelly and some colleagues had "embedded" themselves--not among soldiers but among the common people living in war zones. She gives first-hand accounts of what she saw.

Kathy Kelly is co-founder of Voices for Creative Nonviolence. She delivered this talk in Binghamton, New York, in November 2009.