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New World Notes - John Perkins in Hartford

11/08/2011 12:00 pm
11/08/2011 12:30 pm

This week on New World Notes: radio program #192, November 8, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM, host Kenneth Dowst airs Part 2 of a 2005 talk given in Hartford nd never before broadcast.

"Economic hit-man" John Perkins tells fascinating behind-the-scenes stories of exactly how the US-based corporate empire imposes its will (and greed) on developing countries.

In Part One (NWN #191), Perkins told how the US overthrew Iran's democratic government in 1953; how he himself was recruited by the NSA and trained to serve the Empire (a.k.a., "the corporatocracy"); and of his early failures to corrupt the governments of Panama and Ecuador (ca. 1980). Time to send in the "jackals"!

In Part Two (NWN #192), Perkins explains the the real reason the U.S. invaded Panama and overthrew Noriega in 1989. And he tells of one of his--and the Empire's--great successes: Saudi Arabia. The West made a fortune from the deal but--as Perkins sees it--the consequences have been horrific.