When the University of Hartford was incorporated just over 50 years ago by business and community leaders, they envisioned a center of education and culture for Greater Hartford. Read more...
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New World Notes - 5/17/2011 12:00-12:30 pm
This week on New World Notes: radio program #167, May 17:
A celebration of writer Joe Bageant, who died March 26. The self-described "redneck socialist" wrote brilliantly, profanely, and wittily on the corporate plundering of America--and on the connivance of our politicians in that plunder.
Rare among writers, he wrote sympathetically of the culture of a despised minority group. This was poor whites--"rednecks," he called them--and he was born and raised one himself. He's best known for his best-selling book, Deer Hunting With Jesus (2008).
This installment features readings from two of Bageant's essays, a terrific obituary in a style much like Joe's, and selections from documentaries and recorded interviews.