When the University of Hartford was incorporated just over 50 years ago by business and community leaders, they envisioned a center of education and culture for Greater Hartford. Read more...
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Richard of East Hartford

Although it's a little hard to make out, that's me at the foot of the five story pagoda temple of Nyatpola at Bhaktapur, Nepal. I am wearing my gray WWUH tee shirt from 1992 or '93? I was blessed with the opportunity to visit nepal for part of October and November of last year to work with Nepali and Tibetan shamans and traditional healers. I brought along several UH tee shirts but this one usually got the most comments, especially from Europeans I met who thought that a radio station with such a clever tee shirt had to be outstanding. I could only agree.
Thanks for all the wonderful music and programming that you provide for our community.
Long time listener and patron,
Richard of East Hartford.