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Beyond the Classroom - Laura Pence (Part 1)

07/10/2014 12:00 pm
07/10/2014 8:00 pm

University of Hartford

Join Beyond the Classroom host, David Schonfeld, on Thursday, July 10, 2014 from 12 noon to 12:30 p.m (repeated at 7:30 p.m.).

In Program #44, David talks to Dr. Laura Pence.

Laura Pence is Professor of Chemistry at the University of Hartford.

In this first segment, Laura talks about the field of inorganic chemistry; the properties and uses of organic chemicals, particularly as catalysts; the ruthenium and copper complexes she researches; career paths for chemistry graduates; her background and education; women in the sciences; her experience as a Congressional Science Policy Fellow in the U.S. Senate in Washington, DC; her work for Colorado Sen. Michael Bennett's office; the difference between weather and climate; the meaning of "global warming"; its connection with wildfires and flooding in Colorado; climate change and land-use management; the Forest Service and its mission.

The interview continues in the next broadcast, Program #45.

Program Details
Originally recorded First broadcast Length
12/13/2013 7/10/2014 29:45
All Beyond the Classroom installments are available for on-demand listening or download. To hear any of these programs again, visit the University's Podcasts page.