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Beyond the Classroom - Paul Siegel (Part 2)

04/17/2014 12:00 pm
04/17/2014 8:00 pm

University of Hartford

Join Beyond the Classroom host, David Schonfeld, on Thursday, April 17, 2014 from 12 noon to 12:30 p.m (repeated at 7:30 p.m.).

In Program #32, David talks to Dr. Paul Siegel.

Paul Siegel, a Professor of Communication, teaches courses in Communication Law, Communication Theory, Introduction to Media, and Language and Communication. Dr. Siegel's scholarly writing is mostly in the area of communication law, where he has staked out a claim by writing one of the leading textbooks in the field.

In the first segment, Program #31, Paul talked about his experience teaching deaf students; his training in the social sciences and his specialization in communication law; his textbooks, "Communication Law in America" and "Cases in Communication Law"; topics in communication law; internet law; concerns about internet access, privacy, and neutrality.

In today's segment, Paul talks about landmark cases in communication law; the interests of content providers vs. the interests of content consumers; copyright law in the information age; the issue of intellectual piracy; his forthcoming book on gay rights and the First Amendment; the controversy about limits to free speech; the paradox of freedom; the concept of "standing"; his work on the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings; the School of Communication at the University.

Program Details
Originally recorded First broadcast Length
7/1/2013 4/17/2014 28:39
All Beyond the Classroom installments are available for on-demand listening or download. To hear any of these programs again, visit the University's Podcasts page.