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Beyond the Classroom - Donn Weinholtz

03/27/2014 12:00 pm
03/27/2014 8:00 pm

University of Hartford

Join Beyond the Classroom host, David Schonfeld, on Thursday, March 27, 2014 from 12 noon to 12:30 p.m (repeated at 7:30 p.m.).

In Program #29, David talks to Donn Weinholtz.

Donn Weinholtz is Professor of Educational Leadership in the Department of Education, within the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions (ENHP), at the University of Hartford.

In this interview, Donn talks about his long-standing commitment to educational reform; his role in the creation of the University and the City's magnet schools; magnet schools compared to charter schools; evaluating school performance using the concept of multiple intelligences; the crisis in education as a reflection of our economic crisis; his work in the Quaker peace education movement; the Friends' Committee on National Legislation; the Friends' Association for Higher Education; the online journal, Quaker Higher Education; his forthcoming book, Quaker Perspectives on Higher Education; the Quaker "testimonies" as useful principles for improving higher education; the connection between militarism and capitalism; his blog, Transform the Military Budget; continuing obstacles to peacetime conversion; markets and stability; peace education in Rwanda.

Program Details
Originally recorded First broadcast Length
7/15/2013 3/27/2014 29:34
All Beyond the Classroom installments are available for on-demand listening or download. To hear any of these programs again, visit the University's Podcasts page.