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Beyond the Classroom - Susan Coleman (Part 2)

02/13/2014 12:00 pm
02/13/2014 8:00 pm

University of Hartford

Join Beyond the Classroom host, David Schonfeld, on Thursday, February 13, 2014 from 12 noon to 12:30 p.m (repeated at 7:30 p.m.).

In Program #24, David talks to Susan Coleman.

Susan Coleman is Professor of Finance in the Barney School of Business. She also serves on the University of Hartford’s Strategic Planning Committee and, in that capacity, provides economic analyses and forecasts throughout the year. Her research interests include access to capital for women-owned and minority-owned businesses.

In the first segment, Program #23, Susan talked about the University's Finance program; short-term study abroad programs; international perspectives on finance; economic pressures on institutions of higher education; the place of distance learning; the rising cost of higher education; the problem of student debt; the Center for Personal Financial Responsibility; and making efficient use of campus buildings.

In today's segment, Susan talks about the effect on universities of the financial downturn; the importance of community colleges; entrepreneurial finance and women-owned businesses; the example of Cookies Direct; financial, human, and social capital; differences between male and female entrepreneurs; continuing obstacles to female success in business; new financing options for female entrepreneurs; and improving the environment for entrepreneurial success in Connecticut.

Program Details
Originally recorded First broadcast Length
6/10/2013 2/13/2014 29:22
All Beyond the Classroom installments are available for on-demand listening or download. To hear any of these programs again, visit the University's News page and look for the Podcasts link.