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Sunday Afternoon at the Opera - WWUH Marathon Sunday

04/02/2017 1:00 pm
04/02/2017 4:30 pm


Sunday Afternoon at the Opera host Keith Brown writes:

Now comes the moment in the yearlong go-round of my Sunday broadcasts when you opera lovers get to show your appreciation for lyric theater programming with your dollars, as Sunday Afternoon at the Opera participates in Marathon 2017, this station's annual week of intensive on-air fundraising.

I will be going on mic to urge you listeners to phone the Marathon hotline number and pledge your financial support. Going on mic with me this year will be Rob Meehan, former classics deejay here at WWUH from way back in the 1970s. Over three decades and more of my broadcasting Rob has continued to loan to me so many opera recordings drawn from his own extensive collection. Rob is a collector specializing in the "alternative" musical styles of the twentieth and twenty first centuries.

Lenten programming will be suspended this Sunday, while Rob and I will be sampling various opera recordings in our Marathon fundraising pitch, in the hope that these selections will inspire you to phone the pledge hotline 860-768-4008 locally or toll-free outside the Greater Hartford direct dialing area 1-800-444-9984. You faithful listeners have never failed to help us meet or even exceed our fundraising goals in times past, so I thank you in advance for your generosity.