WWUH Station History
~compiled by
John Ramsey, General Manager/Chief Engineer
Suggestions, corrections,
and submissions are welcomed.
Contact: John Ramsey, WWUH
Fax 860-768-5701 or email: ramsey@hartford.edu
Also of interest:
A new, extremely interesting time line / history of CT Radio:
Spring 1974
The ECOM consisted of:
Judy Corcoran-General Manager
Mel Peppers-Operations Director
Marcia Simon-Program Director
Larry Titus - Chief Engineer
Mel Yates - Business Manager
Adrienne Rivers - Director of Minority Affairs
Julianna Kovach - Director of Development
Staff: The staff list as of December 5, 1974 showed 25 active
members, and 30 associate members: Anita Alexander, Charlie Allen,
Doris Artis, John Barone, Ron Barrsano, Tricia Beatty, Al Brennan, Art
Barlow, Andy Bronstein Jerry Burke, Kathy Carrrol, Paul Cailler, Judy
Corcoran, Ron Davis, Dave Delisle, Bob Dunkley, Steve Foss, Wayne Geig,
Walter Gibson, Don Helfer, Joza Karas, Michael Kaufman, nna Kovach, John
Klupsak, John Labella, Coby Leyden, Mickey McClosky, Dawn Merriweather,
Nay Nassar, Mel Peppers,Mark Persky, Bill Popoosha, John Ramsey, Adrienne
Rivers, Maurice Robertson, Michael Rosenberg, Paul Rosenblum, Cliff Schley,
Jim Shanahan, Marcia Simon, Terry Sobestanovich, Steve Shore, Diane Sinisi,
Dianne Smith, Bob Smolen, Roger Stauss, Bob Thompson, Lloyd Leslie Terry,
Joe Terzo, Larry Titus, Ifekandu Umunna, Ray "Moby" White, Mel Yates,
and Stacy Zwaik
The station received awards from the following groups for various
contributions: The American Kidney Foundation, The Jaycees, Aware,
The Advertising Council, the American Chiropractic Association, and the
Inner Peace Movement.
"Moving Mother To The Mountain" was the name of the project
to relocate the station's transmitter and antenna from the Gengras Student
Union to the WTIC transmitter site on Avon Mountain. The station was off
the air for part of the spring as the transmitter was installed on Avon
Mountain. WWUH engineers Larry Titus, Charlie Allen and Stuart Yeager
accomplished the actual move. A brand new 3-bay Gates FMC-3 antenna with
radomes was installed on the old radar tower in Avon. Our transmitter
moved from Gengras and was reinstalled in a small wooden building that
had been used to house the center feed network for an old WTIC-AM antenna.
The station signed back on the air on April 22 with the new transmitter
site. The move had cost $14,000.
After the transmitter was moved to the mountain, the wall separating
the "transmitter room" from the FM studio was removed, making the air
studio "L" shaped and nearly twice as large.
John Ramsey recalls hearing only silence at the 91.3 spot on the
dial during the spring and waiting for the station to come back on. "I
didn't know why they were off, it seemed pretty strange that they would
be off so long, but as soon as the station came back on the air after
the transmitter move the increased coverage was simply amazing! I hadn't
volunteered in the station in well over a year, and decided that I had
been away too long. A few days later, I called the station and spoke with
Roger Stauss, who invited me to come by that afternoon for a visit. When
I walked into the Air Studio, Roger and I spoke for a few minutes and
then he said "hey, can you do the rest of the show, I've got to go" so
I was back on WWUH again!"
The increased range of the station's signal really began to be
felt. Listeners called into the station day and night, and favorable letters
poured in.
The station sponsored the WWUH Festival of Folk Music from the
Gengras Cafeteria at 1 pm on May 4th. Featured performers were The Morgans,
Jan Armstrong and Will Welling. The station's engineering department coordinated
the technical set up and broadcast the entire show live on the air.
Another series of live broadcasts took place the weekend of August
3 when the station covered the West Indian Week celebration in Hartford.
This was the beginning of what became a strong relationship between WWUH
and Hartford's West Indian Community. WWUH applied to the
Corporation for Public Broadcasting for a grant, but was turned down because
there was no full time professional staff. As a result, the goal for the
upcoming fundraising marathon was set at $10,000.
Larry Titus resigned from the position of Chief Engineer on July
8, with student Charlie Allen taking over the position via acting status.
WFCR in Amherst asked us to produce Public Affairs Programs for
them in return for cash. This was high praise for WWUH since WFCR was
known as one of the top public radio stations in the country.
The price of a Program Guide Subscription was raised to $10. Station
Music Director worked with WSAM to help them get record service since
many companies were reluctant to service two radio stations on one campus.
A course entitled "FM Broadcast Workshop" was offered, taught by
Linda Goldfarb from WHCN.
Judy Corcoran, in an annual report entitled "Insight into WWUH"
in May 1974, had this to say: "During the last promotional campaign
for WWUH, we tried to find an adjective to describe WWUH. It is almost
impossible to describe WWUH in one word. We feel too big to be called
college radio. We're not quite public radio because the government does
not fund us, although we air the kinds of programs many public radio stations
do. And we're more than alternative rock, because we air some of the best
soul, jazz and classical music around. We finally decided on WWUH: Public
Alternative Radio.
Working at WWUH has been a unique experience for most of us. At
most college stations, radio is a hobby. To most people at WWUH, radio
is a lifestyle and WWUH is our family. The people rarely leave or lose
contact wit the station. This has been one part of the success of WWUH.
The other part has been the staff's dedication to forego almost anything
to keep the station on the air with quality programming. And with a staff
that turns over nearly each semester (some of us even graduate), keeping
the high programming standard is no easy feat.
Judging from listener response and due largely to the Program Guide,
WWUH has a steady audience who are finally realizing that we offer different
forms of programming at specific times. Consequently, they tune back.
There is also a small audience who listen to UH most of the time, people
who like jazz, classics, rock, public affairs, and special programs.
One advantage of non-commercial college radio is that it is constantly
growing and experimenting. Some problems come and go, some remain, but
the basic concern for the station is always there. WWUH has addressed
three major concerns this year: lack of money, lack of space, and lack
of academic credit for the work that is done.
WWUH took a big step this year when it finally moved its transmitter
to Avon Mountain. Besides making UH one of the largest college station
in the East, the move cost around $14,000. After begging and borrowing,
we came up with the money. In the past, WWUH has had a reserve fund from
the original Roth family grant but now that account is almost empty.
Fiscal year '74-75 should be extremely tight. We have received
$14,000 from the University for the past few years as an annual operating
budget. This year we purchased a new audio control board for $3,000 and
now we are in need of automatic gain control, an FM exciter, cart machines,
a production board, and eventually, a new transmitter.
There have been many meetings and memos this past semester regarding
the building of the Communications Department to provide a Major in public
communications. There is much interest among students at UH for such a
program, as many people at WWUH have, are and will work as professionals
in broadcasting. Fortunately, WWUH allows non-students can work here,
both on and off air. This is one of the reasons the air sound is so good.
During this past year, about seven announcers have had previous professional
experience. This arrangement is beneficial to both listeners and to students,
who learn from these professionals.
The programming department became very strong during the past year.
With much credit due to Roger Stauss, Program Director, WWUH has been
on the air, with a few exceptions, for 20 hours a day, 365 days a year.
WWUH has also regularly produced its own programs such as "Music from
Czechoslovakia," hosted by Joza Karas, an hourly program featuring native
artists performing music composed by Czechoslovakians. Another WWUH original
weekly program is "African Worlds," hosted by Professor Ifekandu Umunna,
which highlights many different African cultures.
On April 22, WWUH signed back on the air with its new transmitter
facilities. The move cost a lot of money, caused a lot of work, produced
a lot of headaches, and took a lot of time. The move is probably one of
the most significant things that have happened to WWUH since it began.
A big fundraising marathon and arts festival were planned for May but
cancelled in April because at that time we didn't know when the transmitter
move would be completed. It has been rescheduled for the fall.
Another project in the works concerns the rights of a non-commercial
station to state its editorial opinions. Currently, Section 399 of the
Communications Act of 1934 states: "No non-commercial, educational broadcasting
station my engage in editorializing or may support or oppose any candidate
for political office." I have written to the FCC for confirmation that
this law is still in effect. If so, I plan to notify the non-commercial
college station across country and work in a combined effort to change
the law.
WWUH has been gaining recognition in the community. The Program
Guide, under the editorship of Terry Sobestanovich, has helped publicize
both the station and the many different programs offered on WWUH. Donations
have been averaging $20 a week and many programs have been underwritten
by commercial institutions. Complimentary letters average about three
a week.
The main thing that I have noticed is that WWUH is becoming known
as "a radio station." WWUH is often played in stores and can be heard
on car radios and blasting from people's rooms and homes. Window stickers
are often sighted and area professionals are aware of us. But we haven't
done it alone. Much of the credit for the current station's success is
due to the people who started WWUH. Everyone who has passed through its
doors has been touched and has touched others. WWUH is a good place."
The cover of the June, 1974 Program Guide featured "The Official
Nixon Countdown Calendar" where listeners could mark off the days until
the president was impeached! While many people liked the cover, a
number of people objected and complained directly to the university.
Judy Corcoran wrote about the controversial 1974 Program Guide
cover in 2003: The countdown calendar was a real "poster" I purchased
somewhere. I forget when Watergate broke, but it took several months/years
to come to a head. Nixon, mainly because of the war, was about as popular
with half the country as George Bush is today. The countdown calendar
counted Nixon's days in office with a little box to scratch off each day.
I don't recall that we got in trouble for it. Someone might have said
something in passing, but it wasn't huge. It would be akin to putting
a George Bush countdown calendar to the next election or similar "bumper
sticker art" on the cover of the program guide today. Would you get in
trouble from the university and listeners? Speaking of bumper stickers,
the bicycle bumper stickers were little 1.5 inch by 1 inch "stickers"
in assorted neon colors. We ordered them for no real reason, probably
just for fun to stick around places. When they arrived, I said they looked
like "bumper stickers for bicycles."
Fall 1974
The staff list as of December 5, 1974 showed 25 active members, and
30 associate members: Anita Alexander, Doris Artis, John Barone, Ron
Barrsano, Tricia Beatty, Al Brennan, Art Barlow, Andy Bronstein Jerry
Burke, Kathy Carrrol, Paul Cailler, Ron Davis, Dave Delisle, Bob Dunkley,
Steve Foss, Wayne Geig, Walter Gibson, Don Helfer, Michael Kaufman, John
Klupsak, John Labella, Coby Leyden, Mickey McClosky, Dawn Merriweather,
Nay Nassar, Mark Persky, Bill Popoosha, John Ramsey, Maurice Robertson,
Michael Rosenberg, Paul Rosenblum, Cliff Schley, Jim Shanahan, Steve Shore,
Diane Sinisi, Dianne Smith, Bob Smolen, Roger Stauss, Bob Thompson, Lloyd
Leslie Terry, Joe Terzo, Ray "Moby" White and Stacy Zwaik.
Michael Cummings was elected general Manager on December 15,
1974. The minutes of the election meeting, gave the following account
of his acceptance speech: "The station is really something. I hope
things will continue as they are because I feel that WWUH is going places."
Major headlines in 1974: Nixon and Brezhnev meet in Moscow to
discuss arms limitation agreements. Background; Leftist revolution ends
almost 50 years of dictatorial rule in Portugal (launched Apr. 25); India
successfully tests an atomic device, becoming the world's sixth nuclear
power (May 18); Patricia Hearst, 19-year-old daughter of publisher Randolph
Hearst, kidnapped by Symbionese Liberation Army (Feb. 5); House Judiciary
Committee adopts three articles of impeachment charging President Nixon
with obstruction of justice, failure to uphold laws, and refusal to produce
material subpoenaed by the committee (July 30); Richard M. Nixon announces
he will resign the next day, the first President to do so (Aug. 8); Vice
President Gerald R. Ford of Michigan is sworn in as 38th President of
the US (Aug. 9); Ford grants "full, free, and absolute pardon" to ex-President
Nixon (Sept. 8).
(Back to Top of Page)
Spring 1975
The election saw the following people elected:
Mimi Spillane -General Manager
Steve Berian-Operations Director
Donna Burton-Director of Development
Tom Gomez -Acting Business Manager
John Anderson, Gene Chapdelaine-Chief Engineer
Jackie Peart -Director of Minority Affairs
Bob Gross, Bob Browning-Program Director
Appointments were made for these positions:
Michael Plen-News Director
Joel Salkowitz -Production Director
Linda Faulkerson-Program Guide Editor
Tom Gomez was appointed acting Business Manager in May.
Staff: Charlie Allen, John Anderson, Ed Barks, Steve Berian, Bob
Browning, Steve Berian, Bill Brady, Donna Burton, Gene Chapdelaine, Bob
Cohen, George Michael Evica, Linda Faulkerson, Eric Gordon, Tom Gomez,
Bob Gross, Marsha Lasker, Frank Nowicki, Chuck Pagano, Jackie Peart, Melvin
Peppers, Michael Plen, Neil Portnoy, Joe Rudich, Joel Salkowitz, Steve
Shore, Mimi Spillane, James Sutton, Mel Yates
The ECOM listed the three major functions of WWUH:
A) to serve the greater Hartford Community, B) to serve the University
of Hartford Community, C) To train UH students in the field of radio.
The ECOM felt that active community volunteers should be allowed
to vote, but that students should still have control of the station by
holding the ECOM offices. They strongly felt that all of the people actively
contributing to the station should have a say in who runs the station.
In January, local station WFSB TV-3 approached ECOM with a unique
proposal. In an effort to better serve the Spanish community of Greater
Hartford, they wanted WWUH to simulcast their six o'clock news program
in Spanish. The ECOM realized that the loss of some classical programming
time was more than made up for by being promoted on one of the most influential
media outlets in the state.
Michael Cummings ratified as acting General Manager at an emergency
meeting held in July.
The February 15 ECOM Minutes mention a problem with an announcer
refusing to sign the programs logs while airing a tape because he disagreed
with the content of the tape! Further discussions centered around the
"censoring" of the "None of the Above" program about Gay and Lesbian issues
by Program Director Joe Rudich on February 9. Joe had kept the program
from being aired because he hadn't heard the tape and he was concerned
about FCC prohibited words being broadcast. The ECOM decided to make it
mandatory for the Program Director to audition all tapes before airplay.
The March 7 ECOM meeting saw a discussion of the station's programming.
The station continued to follow the pattern, established long ago, to
program whatever sounded good. The question was raised of whether the
station belonged to the University or to the community.
Spontaneous Combustion, a program about the "arts-life-alternative
energy experience", made its debut in March. Segments included specials
on the exploration of dreams, a reading of the Long Sheet, Jim Baker and
Tabla, a creative satire on commercial radio, readings by members of the
Hartford Stage, the Magic Shop, and readings by area poets.
With elections looming at the end of the spring semester, volunteer
Ed Barks, expressed an interest in running for the Program Director position
but he was told that he could not because he was only a part time student.
Ed protested the decision to the University. The ECOM and the University
researched the matter and determined that a part time student could run
for an ECOM position because the station's constitution doesn't make a
distinction between full and part time students.
From the April 11 ECOM Minutes: "Joe Rudich was asked
to withdraw his name as candidate for the Program Director position based
on his statement that he resents the Executive Committee. Following that
request, Joe Rudich resigned as Program Director and as a member of the
Bob Gross was appointed Acting Program Director in April.
At the April 20 election meeting, the various candidates presented
their positions. The statements below were excerpted from the minutes
of the election meeting on that date: Mimi Spillane, who
was running for the position of General Manager, said that she wants to
see the station run in an open manner and asked for feedback from the
staff "because all people are here for the station".
Steve Berian, who was running for Operations Director, stated that
he wanted to improve the efficiency of the station and to bring all sections
of the station into one cohesive unit. He also called for openness and
said that he intended to speak with all members of the station about their
basic philosophies about the station.
There were two candidates for the position of Program Director,
Ed Barks and Bob Gross.
Ed Barks spoke first. He said that he wanted to see training in
production and news for all announcers. He also said that he would work
to try to bring out the potential of all people. He presented a written
document, "Programming Ponderances, Volumes I through V" to the staff.
Bob Gross, the other Program Director candidate, said that he would
try to bring together everyone as one group to best serve the Hartford
community; that he was running on his past actions as acting Program Director
and that he hoped to improve the quality of the sound and to teach radio
to all who work here.
The Director of Development candidate, Donna Burton (Firefly) stated
that she had experience working in the same type of position at WHUS.
She felt that the job centered on public relations for the station with
the University and with the community in general. She submitted written
copies of her ideas for the department.
John Anderson, the Chief Engineer candidate, asked for everyone's
help. He said that he was running on his past performance.
Bob Cohen, on the ballot as the only candidate for the position
of Business Manager, withdrew his name but offered to help anyway.
Minority Affairs Director candidate Jackie Peart was unable to
attend the meeting.
During the year, there was much discussion between some staff
members about the Accent of Jazz shows, which aired from 9-12 in
the evening. The issue that was also noticed by several listeners who
wrote to the station was that these "jazz" shows were featuring more "rhythm
and blues" music than jazz.
The following is an excerpt from Director of Development Donna
Burton's letter to the ECOM during this period summarized the concerns:
". . . Jazz programming cannot be equated with black programming. If
it is, then we are doing a great injustice to the music and to the talented
people to make the music. Jazz is a universal music. Jazz transcends race,
age, and nationality. What is Black Programming? Black programming, musical,
educational, and cultural, is programming that speaks directly to the
Black community. It is extremely important that we serve the black community
with relevant programming. The time blocks from 9-12 pm Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday and 8-12 Friday and Saturday (note I am not including Monday,
9-12 pm, the jazz show that I do) is oriented specifically towards black
listeners. That is why Earth, Wind and Fire, Taj Mahal, Aretha Franklin,
and other black artists who do not play jazz are included in these programs.
In my opinion, this slot has been misnamed "Accent on Jazz." If it is
black programming, let us call it black programming. Otherwise, our listeners
will be confused . . . there is nothing wrong with Black Music Shows;
in fact, they are a VERY IMPORTANT part of our programming here at WWUH.
The audience is there. Anyone who has watched the phones light up for
Maceo or Art Barlow can attest to that. "I request that we straighten
this out, this jazz programming/black programming confusion. They are
different. There is definitely room for both at this station. Let's make
room for both. Let's call the programs by their proper names."
This letter was just an example of the controversy surrounding
the stations evening programming. Amid turmoil at the station over black
programming and other programming concerns, the ECOM made the following
statement pertaining to philosophy and direction of WWUH at the June 19,
1976 ECOM meeting:
"We the Executive Committee of WWUH, for the year 1976-77, feel
that "Public Alternative Radio" WWUH should serve as the voice of the
Greater Hartford area. The station should feature Public Affairs programming,
produced within its own studios that deal with the area served. WWUH should
also provide diversified programming, "alternatives" to that which is
offered on most commercial radio stations, in both music and non-music
"As the station of the University of Hartford, WWUH should draw
on the resources available within the University, as well as drawing upon
those outside the University. This would mean that while training students
for jobs in radio, the station should strive for the best programming
"WWUH is, and should strive to remain, "public alternative radio"
in Hartford. Its schedule and staff should remain flexible, able to accommodate
change when necessary, but maintaining an air of professionally at all
"We call ourselves "Public Alternative Radio"; let us think that
way and work in that direction."
Ed Barks, Program Director, made the following proposal: 1) Extend
"Morning Jazz" one hour, to run from 9 am - 12 noon Monday through Friday.
2) Move our current midday Public Affairs hour from the present 11 am
- 12 noon slot to 12 noon to 1 pm each Monday through Friday. 3) Consolidate
"Recess Rock" and "Afternoon Roll" into one shift, from 1 pm to 4:50 pm.
Another controversial issue during this time period concerned the
presence and official status of community volunteers at the station. This
would be addressed by the1976 ECOM, who felt that since many of the students
at UH were from out of the Hartford area, they had little knowledge of
and/or feel for Hartford. The consensus was that the input of the community
people who work at WWUH is very important. They kept WWUH and the University
in touch with the community, and brought their various experienced from
the outside to the station and the students.
Michael Plen stated that he planned to start up a News Bureau at
the station.
The annual staff banquet was scheduled for Thursday May 6 at the
Terrace Room at Bradley International Airport.
Program Guide editor, Linda Faulkerson, decided to combine the
issues and put out one "fat" guide for the summer months.
Fall 1975
The ECOM as of October 1975:
Mel Yates-General Manager
Bob Cohen-Business Manager
Steve Shore-Operations Director
Bob Browning-Program Director
Mimi Spillane-Director of Development
Melvin Peppers-Director of Minority Affairs
Charlie Allen-Chief Engineer
Sub-Department heads as of September 11 included:
Assistant Chief Engineer - Gene Chapdelaine
Production Director - Bob Gross
Program Guide Editor - James Sutton
Asst. Operations Director - John Anderson
News Director - Joe Rudich, Bill Brady and Bob Browning
The station's engineering advisor was Ed Nelson, a faculty
member at Ward College and former NASA engineer.
In the fall, the ECOM stated the following membership policies:
Membership would be open to all with no barriers, but with the
expectation that the volunteer would actively participate in the station.
After a period of time, the new member would be brought to the ECOM to
be recognized as a full member. Active status could only be conferred
on full time UH students who have show an active interest in the station.
They would have voting rights. Associate status would be conferred to
part time UH students or non-students who have demonstrated active participation
in the station.
The demand on the station's production studio was so great that
the ECOM decided that non-station production could only be done in the
studio between the hours of midnight to 8 am.
As the reputation of the station grew, local broadcasts began to
notice that WWUH announcers were a cut above the DJs from other college
stations. Both WHCN and WKSS approached the station in search of interns.
Limited elections were held on September.25th for General Manager
and Business Manager positions.
Along with the station's success came a number of growing pains.
The September 28 General Staff Meeting had the following items on its
agenda... The ECOM set a firm policy regarding record theft: Anyone
caught removing records from the station would be fired. No drinking or
smoking in the studio would be allowed. Advance notice had to be given
if someone was going to miss a show. Announcers must perform behinds the
scenes work other than just their show. More care must be taken with meter
readings and the logs.
In reaction to the increasing reoccurring problem of albums disappearing,
spot checks were made at different hours day and night in order to try
and alleviate the problem. Misfiling was also a problem.
From the October 1, 1975 ECOM Meeting minutes: "Neil Portnoy
spoke first, saying that the station will lose its 'alternativeness' by
being 24 hours. He suggested that a limit be put on the rock programming
and that our produced programming be increased as much as possible."
Joe Rudich resigned from the position of News Director, Bill Brady
and Bob Browning were appointed to share the job.
Mel Yates and Bob Browning attended a WSAM ECOM meeting in November
in order to promote better relations with WSAM. Discussions were undertaken
for a combined student training effort.
The annual budget for the station for FY 75/76 was $17,000.
Further discussion on the controversial "None of the Above" program
centered on the ECOM's concerns: A) Whether or not the producers of the
show were using WWUH to air personal views (This because of their extensive
coverage of the gay liberation issue), and B) Whether the producers were
being too commercial by listing the gay bars in the Hartford area.
The ECOM agreed that only FCC prohibited material could or should
be censored by the Program Director. Some staff members present at the
meeting were concerned with outside pressure on the Program Director,
and were concerned that the station would not be a "free channel".
In response to some announcers abusing the privilege by showing
up late, not filling out logs, missing Ids, etc. a "Permit to Operate"
system was put in place based on the three college semesters. It was designed
so as to enable the station to secure a penalty against a staff member
who disregarded FCC law, general station policy, or ECOM directive. The
system was based on the fact that a WWUH volunteer, like any licensed
individual, is expected to follow the rules governing on air and internal
operations. Strikes against the permit would accumulate from policy and
rule infractions; after a certain number of infractions, the permit to
broadcast would be suspended.
Program Director Bob Gross submitted his resignation in August
1976 citing personal problems. He stated that he had been affected both
physically and mentally by station and staff problems, and that it was
difficult to still care about the station. However, he did stay on as
a staff member.
The ECOM promptly set up an interim programming committee consisting
of Donna Burton, Roger Stauss, Marsha Lasker and Mimi Spillane.
Steve Berian submitted a proposal to consolidate the Minority Affairs,
News and Community Affairs Department into a new department to be called
the Community Affairs Department, which would be headed by a Community
Affairs Director who would be an ECOM member. Under his proposal, the
Program Director would be responsible for music and entertainment programming
and day-to-day scheduling and the Community Affairs Director would be
responsible for the News, (non-music) Minority and Public Affairs Programming.
Dave DeMaw was appointed acting Director of Development in September,
filling the slot that Donna Burton has left.
On November 4, 5 and 6, the station sponsored the Citizens
Committee of Inquiry into the JFK assassination. The event took place
on campus, and the station broadcast a large portion of it. George Michael
Evica headed the event which featured key note speaker Mark Lane (a noted
expert on the JFK assassination and author of the book "Rush to Judgment")
and guest speaker Jim Garrison, the New Orleans's District Attorney who,
many years later, would feature prominently in Oliver Stone's controversial
movie, "JFK'! Garrison conducted his own assassination investigation,
which led to the trial of Clay Shaw in 1969.
WWUH once again demonstrated its commitment to the community
to taking part in and/or broadcasting live from the following area events:
The New England Fiddle Contest, Clown Day in Hartford, Soccer with the
Connecticut Yankees, The West Indian Celebration, The Harames Festival
'75 and the Hartford Family Folk Festival.
The new Connecticut Freedom of Information Act Commission held
one of its first meetings at U of H in October. The station covered this
session in depth.
The RKO Radio Network planned on forming a human chain across the
country on July 4, 1976 to celebrate the country's bi-centennial. WWUH
offered to be the official Hartford station.
The winter holidays always bring out the best in many WWUH announcers,
and the airwaves are full of songs celebrating Hanukah, Christmas, Three
Kings Day and Kwanzaa. In December, the station aired a special program,
"A Christmas Carol" for the holiday season.
A twelve-hour live broadcast was undertaken from Bushnell Park
as part of the New England Fiddle Contest on May 29th.
An April 1, 1975 engineering report showed a very active engineering
department, staffed by Tom Gomez, Chuck Pagano, Neil Portnoy, Joel Salkowitz,
Joe Rudisch, Frank Nowicki and Steve Berian. Projects being worked on
at the time included: The installation of the new Technics turntables
in special acoustical isolated pedestals in the air studio; Work on the
custom production console (in the works for over three years!); designing
of a main studio power panel. At the transmitter site, the Wilkinson exciter
was returned to the manufacturer for the installation of upgrades. Tours
of the studios of local stations, including WTIC and WDRC, were held for
the engineering staff.
Parts were purchased to build a production board from scratch.
The design for the console originated in house by WWUH engineering personnel.
The console would be very large, almost 7 feet across, and feature 12
stereo channels, with three independent stereo output busses.
The EBS system was changed to the two-tone system in early 1976,
requiring the station to purchase new equipment.
By this time the engineering shop had moved from the first floor
(near the SW stairway) to the 3rd floor next to room D.
Major headlines in 1975:
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