WWUH Station History
~compiled by
John Ramsey, General Manager/Chief Engineer
Suggestions, corrections,
and submissions are welcomed.
Contact: John Ramsey, WWUH
Fax 860-768-5701 or email: ramsey@hartford.edu
Also of interest:
A new, extremely interesting time line / history of CT Radio:
Spring 1970
With Clark Smidt graduating in May, the students at WWUH held
elections for a new Executive Committee (ECOM) on April 15:
Ken Kalish - General Manager
William Crepeau - Station Manager
Charles Horwitz - Program Director
Philip Cabot - Business Manager
Charles Allen - Chief Engineer
John Eppler and Charles Prunier - members-at-large.
In April, Stuart Kaufman stepped down as Music Director and Ann
Harte took over that demanding job.
There was much discussion about subscribing to an audio news service
such as Mutual Network News. Mutual was available for free, but the station
would have to pay for the line charges. The ECOM decided that if network
news were to be carried, it would be scheduled so as not to interrupt
Classical programming, or it would be run after midnight. Also, UPI would
be dropped. The staff was evenly divided about whether carrying some type
of national network news would fit in with the station's philosophy of
airing local programming. Some thought that it was contrary to this philosophy,
while other thought it added quite a bit of professionalism to the station's
sound, and provided the listeners with important information.
The 1970/71 budget, discussed at an ECOM meeting in April, included
discussions on whether the station should purchase a toll-free WATTS line,
Network News, an Ampex reel-to-reel recorder and back issues of records
that the library desperately needed. The group also made plans to move
the station's transmitter to Avon Mountain, to a space provided WTIC.
The engineering department also began construction on tape delays and
speakerphones to facilitate putting phone calls from listeners on the
air. Later that year, $5,000 of the Roth Grant money would be appropriated
for an audio console for the FM studio, completion of the production board,
and an EBS monitor.
In addition to operating the FM station, the staff continued to
run WWUH-AM, which operated without an FCC license by broadcasting through
the wiring in the dorms. Because WWUH-AM did not need a license, there
were no restrictions as to the airing of commercials, and WWUH-AM started
selling airtime to businesses that wanted to reach the student population.
They money raised was to be used to help fund the FM station. A commission
schedule was finalized by the ECOM where 15% went to sales people (with
no other reimbursement for expenses), 5% for Sales Manager (limited to
10% if he sells the ad) and 2% for the business Manager.
An ECOM meeting in May 1970 centered on censorship and the responsibility
of the station's management, versus the University as licensee. Staff
members had aired "A Night at Santa Rita," which contained several obscene
words and had be previously prohibited by ECOM vote for airplay. The record
was eventually taken off the air in its second side of play, but an on-air
discussion about censorship followed.
As a result, the ECOM pulled several questionable records from
the library because of the sensibilities of both the audience and the
university's administration. Caught between the concepts of providing
first class, professional sounding programming and embracing the first
amendment to its fullest, the ECOM felt secure in its decision as long
as the University held the station's license.
Changes were made to the WWUH Constitution in 1970 to allow the
station to receive funds from the Student Association, to allow for absentee
ballots, and to provide for voting by proxy.
The ECOM was wary of its association with the Student Association
as the SA had shown that they clearly didn't understand what was involved
with running an FCC licensed FM broadcast station. If finally determined
that the SA Could audit the station's financial records and could run
the AM station, but they would have no control over the FM station. While
the association with the SA Was a positive thing, it also prevented community
volunteers from a direct voice in elections and other policy votes.
At this time, all on-air personnel needed to have a third class
FCC with Broadcast Endorsement license if they were alone in the studio.
The station held training sessions for this license quarterly, and students
organized car pools to Boston and New York City for the exams.
Programming on WWUH-AM included the live broadcast of Student Association
meetings (at the request of the S.A.) and football games from the athletic
Fall 1970
In October of 1970, Brian Lord was voted in as Program Director
at a special election, and discussion about whether to have a monthly
Program Guide continued. One could be produced for $70, which included
1,000 but no photographs and the staff would do the formatting and typing.
It was hoped that the cost would be underwritten by selling ads in the
In December of 1970, the ECOM decided that the AM station could
find personnel from outside of the student population. Plans were discussed
to install 150 feet of Christmas lights and a peace symbol on the WWUH
tower on Gengras for the holiday season.
The station spent $4000 for two Scully 280B 1/2 track reel-to-reel
machines for use in production. This was nearly one-third of the station's
total budget, but it was justified since these machines would allow the
station to greatly expand its production department and facilitate the
broadcast of pre-recorded concerts. These state-of-the-art machines, the
"pride" of the station, remained in use until 1989.
Audio processing at this date consisted of a CBS Labs Audimax and
Volumax. The transmitter was controlled by a custom extension-metering
panel, on the over bridge above the air console. This panel was designed
and built by station engineers and allowed all applicable transmitter
readings to be taken while in the on-air studio, and allowed for filament
and plate on/off switching and power adjustment.
The air studio equipment consisted of a 5-channel Sparta console,
QRK turntables with Microtrack arms, two Spotmaster stereo cart decks
and two Ampex 354 reel-to-reel machines. The announcer spoke into two
AKG D-200 microphones connected for stereo, which meant that the listener
would hear the announcers voice moving between their speakers as the DJ
turned to one side or another while speaking.
WWUH-AM utilized transmitters in each of the five dorms. The WWUH
AM studio was the small "booth" next to the air studio.
Major headlines in 1970: US troops invade Cambodia (May 1). Background:
Vietnam War; four students at Kent State University in Ohio slain by National
Guardsmen at demonstration protesting incursion into Cambodia (May 4).
WWUH election results from the February, 1971 election:
Ken Kalish - General Manager
John Michael - Station Manager
Brian Lord - Program Director
Philip Cobot - Business Manager
Charles Allen - Chief Engineer
Michael Joy - AM Sales
Sherman - Member-at-Large
Staff: Charles Allen, Philip Cabot, Michael Joy, Ken Kalish, Bob
Katz, John Labella, Brian Lord, John Michael, Sherman Advisor:
Chuck Wansley
Spring 1971
WWUH alum Charlie Horwitz was Program Director during some of the
time period ('69-71), and he submitted this recollection of one of his
shows in the early seventies. "One of my favorite
recollections was one I shared alone. It was the time when Hartford's
connection to the sea and whales in particular was getting air airplay
and local ink. In fact a local group had recorded a sea chant of sorts
that we played and I think the station had done an interview with them.
Their name escapes me. "Well one night, after my Gothic Blimp Works show,
I was determined to incorporate that song into a PSA about Saving the
Whales. I put in several hours to get 60 seconds of moderately coherent
information and put the whole project to bed on a nice new cart. Leaving
the Gengras Center just before dawn, I was struck by the sounds of whales
whistling down the empty hallways. Now I know that it was just the wind
whistling through the opened doors and not the voices of thankful whales
but I checked those doors and there were all properly closed. So I went
outside and meditated with the ghosts of those voices and have felt very
in tune with their song ever since". "I had spent 3 years hanging around
the station; watching it being built and seeing my friends go on the air.
I almost auditioned for a folk music show, but got involved in the theater
department and never followed up. I was supposed to graduate in June 1971,
but had one more semester to go. As I always had a work-study job, I managed
to get assigned to WWUH for the summer. I was there the Friday of Memorial
Day weekend 1971 working on cataloging the classical library, all pre-computer
of course. I'm not sure who came in, but I think it was Ken Kalish who
asked me if I ever thought I could do a female, easy listening type of
program. I said if I did a show it wouldn't be easy listening and he said,
great, you go on in 15 minutes. YIKES! I learned the 5-channel Sparta
board pretty quickly and since I had spent many hours hanging around,
I had a sense of what was supposed to happen. Ken assured me (as there
was NO ONE ELSE in the building at the time) that he would be there if
I had any problems. SO off I go. My first song at 11:00 AM was Stage Fright
by the Band. And except for forgetting to turn off the mike (but potting
it down) and taking off my headphones and thinking I was sending dead
air out when I wasn't, I did OK. UNTIL, about 25 minutes into my show,
when Ken came in and said a tower light went out and since it was a top
blinking one, he had to go to the tower ASAP to change it. I was doing
great, so I said, see ya! Of course, about 10 minutes later, I lost cue
in the right hand turntable and spent the rest of my shift only playing
the first cut of the record because I could see to cue it up. Brian Lord
was program director that summer. And for some strange reason, he liked
what he heard and offered me midday's for the summer. I still have my
play lists and I will e-mail a sample day to you at another time. "I have
an old air check from my second week on the air and I have NO IDEA why
Brian put me on the air! "My most memorable day on the air was the day
the draft lottery numbers were announced. I remember playing long cuts
so we could gather the info from the wire to read on the air. That was
the year my kid brother was in the lottery... imagine how I felt when
his birthday came up as number 8....and I still had to be professional
and read the rest of the dates. (He turned out to be 4-F from an old skiing
injury, but that's another story for another place)."
The ECOM frequently discussed funding sources during the early
years of the station. The station needed $15,000 for operating expenses
over the next 12 months, and while the F.C.C. required the station to
be on the air 36 hours a week, the ECOM determined that it would need
to be on the air 48 weeks a year to qualify for any grants, so steps were
taken to expand the station's broadcast day by adding more shows.
The ECOM also discussed the possibility of and requirements for
qualifying for Federal Corporation for Public Broadcasting grants. They
voiced concerns about the possible loss of student power and participation
that might occur if "outsiders" were allowed to run the shows. There was
also much discussion about whether a paid staff would be in keeping with
the purpose of the station.
Marilyn Nabors was appointed as Program Guide Editor, and a decision
was made not to have advertising in the first issue.
The station also planned for a fund-raising Marathon in April,
with a goal of $7,100. The programming department would use this money
for tape decks, tapes and records. It was later postponed until the spring
of '72.
The station held is annual banquet at Valle's Steak House in Hartford
on May 14. The cost was $6.50 per person, which included dinner. The speaker
was the News Director of WWDC in Washington, DC, one of the top news stations
in the country.
The ECOM voted to draft a letter to the Federal Communications
Commission outlining the station's position on recent FCC concerns about
the mention of drugs in the lyrics of songs. The station felt that any
restrictions based on the lyrics of a song would be a clear violation
of the first amendment by the federal government.
The topic of changing the station's constitution was discussed.
A proposal was made to change the section that said "a person must
be actively involved in the station and also be a student in order to
be an active member." Discussion centered on changing the policy so
that people who were not students could become active members. The staff
at the 3/9/71 General Staff meeting ratified this change.
Fall 1971
The ECOM voted that "dope" was not allowed in the studio, and that
guests needed prior permission to visit. The station also acquired a large
safe, nicknamed Hector. No one has been able to say what was originally
kept in the office, it was too large and gave people the feeling that
they weren't to be trusted, although tools and equipment had a way of
disappearing. It was finally moved down the hall.
In September, the ECOM met and focused on ways to get Mr. Patricelli,
owner of WTIC, to offer WWUH space on its Avon Mountain tower to place
its antenna. The ECOM also decided not to pursue Corporation for Public
Broadcasting qualifications for fear of losing student interest by hiring
a paid professional. In addition, operational costs had increased to about
$15,000 a year. The ECOM stated that it was looking for a more definite
commitment for financing from the University, along with a request for
more space in Gengras.
To increase funds, staffers made efforts to sell underwriting at
the rate of $5 per hour, with commissions for the Salesman, Business Manager
and Underwriting Coordinator totaling 15%. Underwriters would be acknowledged
twice per hour on the air. The staff also made a decision not to use national
PSAs unless they apply to the local area, nor PSAs that asked for money.
Chuck Wansley was appointed by the Black Peoples Union as an advisor
to WWUH. A constitutional change was made on October 14
to remove the AM Sales Manager position from the ECOM, to be replaced
by a 2nd At Large member. Tom Canaday and Rob Weitz were elected to these
positions. Brian Lord undertook a study of the feasibility of having Spanish
language programming on WWUH.
The new programming schedule featured the following weekday programs:
7:00 - 9:00 AM - Light music
9:00 - 11:00 AM - Classics
11:00 - 11:15 AM - Children's Corner
11:15 - 2:00 PM - Recess Rock
2:00 - 5:00 PM - Afternoon Roll
5:00 - 8:00 PM - "Stereo Classics"
8:00 - 8:30 PM - UH Presents
8:30 - 9:00 PM - NPR or Pacifica programs
9:00 - 12 Midnight - Accent on Jazz
12:00 - 3:00 AM - Gothic Blimp Works Specialty shows were:
5:00 - 8:00 PM Fridays - Folk
8:00 - 12:00 Midnight Friday and Saturday - Soul
5:00 - 8:00 PM Saturday- The "Katz Meow," featuring engineering Guru Bob
1:00 - 2:00 PM Sunday - Composer's Forum from NPR
2:00 - 5:00 PM Sunday - Contemporary and Modern Music
5:00 - 6:30 Sunday - Radio Theatre
6:30 - 9:00 PM Sunday - Opera
Live remotes from the Suisman Lounge featured the Hartt Jazz Band.
In May, the engineering department discovered that the present
stereo generator and exciter would not pass the mandated FCC proof-of-performance.
The ECOM allocated $3,200 for replacements. At this time, the station
purchased a state-of-the-art Wilkinson solid-state FM exciter to replace
the old tube type RCA unit. It also purchased a Wilkinson stereo generator.
When installed, these units greatly improved the sound and reliability
of the station's signal. The ECOM also approved $5,000 for two Scully
tape recorders, $120 for speakers and mikes, $600 for a portable reel
machine, and $350 for five AM transmitters to be installed in the dorms
for WWUH-AM.
Major headlines in 1970: Nixon ends the US trade embargo against
China. (Apr. 14); US Supreme Court rules unanimously that busing of students
may be ordered to achieve racial desegregation (April 20); Pentagon Papers
published (June 13); twenty-sixth Amendment to US Constitution lowers
voting age to 18. (June 30).
(Back to Top of Page)
Spring 1972
Fall 1972 Elections held in November had the
following results:
Operations Director - Tricia Beatty
Director of Minority Affairs - Anne Harte
Director of Development - Judy Corcoran.
Election of officers on February 29, 1972:
General Manager - Phil Cabot Station Manager - Robert Weitz
Program Director - Tom Canady
Business Manager - Michael Ditkoff
Chief Engineer - Charles Allen Members-at-large-Anne Harte and Dave Radka
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Ummuna and Ed Nelson
Active members on the roster in the fall: Dave Achelis, Charlie
Allen, Ron Barisano, Art Barlow, John Barone, Sharon Boudreau, Tricia
Beatty, Andy Brownstein, Phil Cabot, Paul Cailler, Bob Cleary, Judy Corcoran,
Ron Davis, Michael Ditkoff, Bob Dunkley, Roger Fennig, Peter Godoff, Eileen
Harris, Patrick Hill, Stu Jaegger, Pam Johnson, Yvonne Jordan, Bob Katz,
Mike Joseph, John LaBella, Sandy Lavery, Alex Leslie, Dawn Magi, Tim Muldoon,
Bill Papoosha, Mark Persky, Mel Pepper, Carl Prutting, Dave Radka, Cliff
Scheley, Jim Shanahan, Bob Smolin, Terry Sobestanovich, Joe Soya, Roger
Stauss, Leslie Terry, Joe Terzo, Jim Theobald, Rob Weitz, Nel Wilson.
Advisors to the station: Dr. Viamonte, Dr. Umunna, Ed Nelson, Ken
Kalish and Tom Canaday.
WWUH, in a testament to the professionalism of the staff and programming,
was invited to "move Mother to the Mountain." Raising the height of the
antenna to almost 500 feet above average terrain and moving it to Avon
Mountain increased the stations reliable coverage from five miles to nearly
20 miles. Charles Allen, Chief Engineer, did all of the legwork in getting
the transmitter ready to move to the mountain, but was unable to finish
the project due to a work conflict. The project was passed to engineer,
Larry Titus, who, along with Stu Yeager and Steve Shore, presided over
the actual move.
The station raised money for the move in its first fund-raising
marathon that spring. This move was a major step for the station, and
it would necessitate the purchase of a new antenna. It was also was the
first time the station had to pay for the transmitter's electricity, which,
at about $100 per month, was a significant budget line item. As a result,
the first Program Guide was published in April to help raise funds and
reward those who donated to the station.
Station management had their hands full running the FM side of
the station so a decision was made to concentrate on the FM and allow
the AM to fall by the wayside. While the intent was to operate the AM
station as a training ground for students interested in getting on the
FM, running two stations had become just too much work, and everyone wanted
to be on the FM so that they could broadcast to the whole community.
The Student Association donated $2,000 to enlarge the station's
record library.
The station's first Marathon fundraiser was planned for midnight
April 7 to midnight April 23. Donors received a subscription to the
Program Guide for a $5 donation. Announcers were asked to mention the
Marathon once every 15 minutes during the 16-day event. The goal was set
at $1700, earmarked for the transmitter move. Hourly totals were posted
on a blackboard.
A Black Coalition, formed within the radio station, demanded more
black programs on the air. Their concern was that soul and jazz were being
neglected, and that there were not enough albums. A separate library was
set up for black records and programs. The station also began a series
of programs on Youth and Draft counseling.
Staff Awards presented at a banquet to Mel Peppers, Tricia
Beatty, Dawn Magi, Roger Stauss, Anne Harte and Michael Ditkoff, with
a special award to Louis Sampliner.
News aired from 11:30-11:45 am and 5:00 - 5:30 pm weekdays.
From the November 20, 1972 WWUH Newsletter: "During the Thanksgiving
vacation, we will be renovating the studio, tearing down walls, putting
up walls, fixing, destroying, etc. Hopefully the studios will be improved.
. ."
Marathon started on November 3rd and featured Hartford Mayor George
Athanson, who co-hosted a morning show with Mark Persky. $700 was raised
to benefit the Newington Children's Hospital.
WWUH was not exempt from the problem of record theft that all college
stations were subject to. In an effort to catch those responsible, ECOM
members did spot checks, and a one-month moratorium was placed on having
guests in the studio.
The ECOM approved the printing of 3,000 Guides for October. Program
Guide Advertising rates: full page - $50, half page - $30, and quarter
page - $20.
Tom Canady resigned as Program Director due to graduate workload.
Roger Stauss was appointed Acting Program Director in September and
became the permanent PD in October. Roger's first act was to request the
ECOM's permission to program the station 24 hours on Saturday, giving
it a full 24-hour broadcast day.
The ECOM discussed changing the two At-Large ECOM positions to
two new positions: Minority Affairs Director and Development Director.
The former would be responsible for coordinating and developing the ethnic
and specialty programming on the station, and the latter position would
be in charge of fund raising, promotions and staff development. These
new positions were approved pending ratification of the Constitution.
Anne Harte was later elected as Director of Minority Affairs and Judy
Corcoran was elected to the position of Director of Development. Tricia
Beatty became Operations Director.
The station entered into an agreement with the Connecticut Transit
bus company that starting September 1, the bus would carry promotional
advertising for WWUH on the back and sides of select buses for a period
of one year.
The October 26, 1972 ECOM meeting minutes end with the following
statement: "…Discussion tabled, immediate adjournment (news over teletype
of Vietnam PEACE agreement!!!) -- 12:50 pm."
The ECOM drew up the following temporary policies regarding personal
"editorializing" by announcers: "Any announcer may state his opinion as
long as he makes it known over the air that it is his opinion and not
necessarily the opinion of the station. No announcer is to make any statement
that may be taken as libelous. No announcer is to state his opinion on
personal issues or on internal station policy or decisions."
An agreement was reached to exchange advice and expertise with
Weaver High School station WQTQ (89.9 FM).
UH Professor Viamonte undertook a survey of students on campus
during the fall of 1972 as part of a class project. The results show that
92% know where WWUH is on the dial, and 56% listen to WWUH part of the
Fall of 1972 brought more concerts to the UH Campus, including
one featuring the band Ten Years After w/James Taylor as the opening act.
The station held a fund-raising Marathon for the Newington Children's
Hospital, Nov. 3 with a remote broadcast and celebrity visits. $3000 was
Major headlines in 1972: President Nixon makes unprecedented eight-day
visit to Communist China (Feb. 17); Britain takes over direct rule of
Northern Ireland in bid for peace (March 24); Eleven Israeli athletes
at Olympic Games in Munich are killed after eight members of an Arab terrorist
group invades Olympic Village; (Sept. 5); Nixon orders "Christmas bombing"
of North Vietnam (Dec.). Background: Vietnam War; Gov. George C. Wallace
of Alabama is shot by Arthur H. Bremer at Laurel, Md., political rally
(May 15); Five men are apprehended by police in attempt to bug Democratic
National Committee headquarters in Washington, D.C.'s Watergate complex-start
of the Watergate scandal (June 17); US Supreme Court rules that death
penalty is unconstitutional (June 29).
Spring 1973
Elections were held in March with the following results:
Judith M. Corcoran - General Manager
Joel Schechter - Station Manager
Roger Stauss - Program Director
Steve Shore - Business Manager
Charles Allen - Chief Engineer
Mel Peppers - Director of Minority Affairs
Terry Sobestanovich - Director of Development
Jim Shanahan - Music Director
Ron Barisan - Production Director
Stew Jaeger - Assistant Chief Engineer.
Fall 1973
Station management included Judy Corcoran-General
Manger; Marc Andrews, Operations Director; Roger Stauss-Program Director;
Steve Shore-Business Manager; Maceo Woods,-Director of Minority Affairs;
Charlie Allen-Chief Engineer; Stew Jaeger-Assistant Engineer; Jim Shanahan-Music
Director; Ron Barisano-Production Director; Steve Foss-Traffic Manager;
Carl Prutting ;Sports Director; Sharon Boudreau-Personal Director and
Terry Sobestanovich-Director of Development.
Staff: Vickie Germaine, Steve Messino, Tricia Beatty, Margi Adler,
Art Barlow, John Barone, Ron Davis, Bob Dunkley, Peter Godoff, Randy Goule,
Eileen Harris, Don Helfer, Patrick Hill, Marty Kayne, John Klupsak, Alex
Leslie, John McKinney, Debbie Nelson, Mark Persky, Neil Portnoy, Sandy
Rosoff, Joel Schechter, Cliff Schley, Bob Smolen, Leslie Terry, Joe Terzo,
Leon Thompson, Rob Weitz, Ray White, Bob Kiel, Neil Alein, Dave Delisle,
Paul Rosenbloom, Marty O'Toole, Lloyd Robinson, Hank Michkoff
Advisors: Philip Cobot, Clark Smidt, Ken Kalish, Michael Forman,
Tom Canady, Ed Nelson, Dr. Umunna, Dr. Viamonte.
The station routinely signed off at 2 AM
most nights, although Gothic announcers were allowed to stay on the whole
night if they so chose. Sign on was always at 6 AM. By mid-1973, the All
Night Show was added making the WWUH the first college station in the
state to broadcast 24-hours a day.
WWUH operated a campus-on AM station, known as "WWUH-AM" during
the early years of the station, but it was mostly neglected by station
staff due to the demands of keeping the FM going. Since students were
able to get the station on the FM dial, and the AM signal did not go off
campus, the station donated the AM system to the Student Association.
Thus, WSAM (Student Association Media) was born. The donation of the WWUH-AM
equipment allowed WSAM to be heard in the dorms on campus through a process
known as "carrier current radio" (which utilizes the building wiring as
an antenna).
The only advantage that WWUH had with the AM station was that since
the AM was unlicensed, commercial spots could be sold. However, this required
that the AM programming be separate from the FM, something that was difficult
to arrange due to the demands of the FM side of the operation.
The Transmitter move to the mountain was put on hold because of
the pending sale of WTIC to the Washington Post.
Special programming was produced and aired for Black Week, March
5-12. The station aired a series of PSA's on Vietnam aid and revitalization.
The ECOM discussed having detailed classical programming notes
in the Guide to help make it more interesting to listeners.
The ECOM voted unanimously in February to go ahead with the transmitter
move, despite concerns about whether we had our programming act together,
whether we had enough money, and whether we had enough technical personnel.
Money allocated by the ECOM for the FCC Application:
$5,000 from University
$4,000 from Restricted Account
$3,000 from Operating Budget
$1,400 from donations
$11,650 Equipment costs
A 'Mini-Marathon' to get Guide subscriptions was scheduled for
March 3-5.
Joe McKernan designed the 1973 T-shirts. The shirts cost the station
$0.90 each, and the station ordered 300 of them to be sold at cost to
staff and offered to listeners for a $5 donation. The station also printed
WWUH matchbooks, along with "bicycle bumper stickers" and car-window stickers.
A meeting was held with UH President Dr. Woodruff to discuss the
University's opinion regarding obscenity in public affairs programming.
The station banquet was held at the Steak and Brew in Farmington,
CT in April. Active guests, advisors and invited guests were paid for
by the station, all others charged $7.
A review of station membership on February 22, 1973 listed 32 active
Judy approached the Student Association with a request of $3,000
to go towards the transmitter move.
From a September 6, 1973 memo to Dean McKinley: WWUH is growing.
We recently received permission for the Federal Communications Commission
to move our transmitting facilities to Avon Mountain. This means that
WWUH we be broadcasting to almost the entire state of Connecticut. However,
currently we do not have sufficient funds to carry out our plans. Presently
our main concern is moving the transmitter. The entire cost will be $12500,
of which we have only $9,500. We are in a great hurry to get this money
as we are working against time --- the Mountain Move must be made within
two months before the cold weather sets in, and the equipment takes between
thirty and sixty days to deliver. We would also like to purchase a tape
recorder that would allow us to record UH lectures, community happenings,
press conferences etc. We are an educational station and such plans could
greatly increase public affairs programming. We would also like to purchase
a "Sherlock Holmes Series" from the BBC at a cost of $1300. And last but
not lease this year we were forced to hire a chief engineer because our
technical staff was very weak. "Radio is growing rapidly,. Now many high
schools are starting their own radio stations. For example, WWUH is helping
Weaver High School organize their new station. With this new interest
in radio broadcasting among high school students, if WWUH grows to become
a better quality station, WWUH could attract many new perspective freshmen.
Since FCC rules required that WWUH's chief engineer have a first
class license, and since the station constitution required that the chief
engineer be a UH students, the only person with such a license on the
staff was Larry Titus, who had been with the station since the beginning.
The ECOM agreed to pay for Larry to take 2-3 courses at Ward College.
In return, Larry would sign up as Chief Engineer. He could not put in
the required 15 hours a week, but would keep the station legal and on
the air. Larry was elected to the position on September 20, 1973.
From the September 18, 1973 ECOM Meeting minutes: "The Student
Union Board of Governors (SUBOG) decided that the public address system
in the campus center will be set on WKND (a local black station) from
Noon until 2:30 PM daily, and on WWUH the rest of the time."
General Manager Judy Corcoran set up the Connecticut College Broadcasters
Association and held an all-day conference at U of H with speakers from
local stations. Topics included sales, programming, technical, legal and
ethical issues.
Telephone and Electricity were set up at our location on Avon Mountain
with the move planned for early November. The station would be off the
air for 1-4 weeks.
Several options were discussed to raise additional funds for the
transmitter move, including a special Marathon, asking the Student Association
for a donation, and borrowing from UH. The ECOM decided to borrow. In
preparation for the transmitter move, the engineering staff dug a trench
from the building to the tower, and the antenna was ordered.
Many staff members who were concerned about using it effectively
questioned the necessity of the United Press International newswire, which
cost the station 16% of its budget each year. The ECOM had asked announcers
to read some news items at the start of each show but not everyone was
doing so.
Program on the West Indies is auditioned.
After six years of hard use, the station had out-grown the tiny
Sparta air studio board. In addition, the board was also wearing out.
The ECOM allocated $3,000 to purchase a state-of-the-art Fairchild ten-channel
audio console for the Air Studio, and the Sparta board that had been used
in the air studio was repaired and moved into the production studio.
In November, the ECOM approved the airing of PSAs for Trinity College's
radio station, WRTC (89.3 FM). They were off the air with transmitter
troubles, with no money for repairs.
WWUH had its own problems with the new Fairchild Board, serial
number 1. Even though the board had dramatically improved the improved
the air sound and expanded the on-air capabilities of the announcers doing
shows, it was problematic. Steve Shore, the Business Manager said he wouldn't
pay for it since he was so disgusted with the situation. Optionally, he
would send the company $1 a week until it was paid off (about 3000 weeks
later!) Andy Bronstein proclaimed at that time he would be 38 and wondering
what everyone looked like!).
The station produced a special Christmas show featuring 160 kids
from the Annie Fisher Elementary School and the Annie Fisher Choir. Sandra
Rosoff offered some special holiday readings and the Hartt Brass and Rhythm
Department, along with the Emmanuel Congregational Church performed the
Bach Christmas Oratorio. In addition, the Hartt College Suzuki class for
3-8 year olds performed at the event, where volunteer Marc Persky appeared
as Santa Claus.
Paul Payton wrote the following about his experiences at WWUH,
which started in 1973: One of the late night progressive shows; I had
also guested on the Street Corner Serenade. The blessing of 'UH for me
and many compadres was that you guys let us come up while we were "between
stations" and keep our chops sharp. You gave me a place to hang my hat,
stay in touch with the trade, and not coincidentally allowed me to help
pump up record service a bit for 'UH. My last show there was filling in
for Paul Bezanker on Street Corner Serenade one week when he couldn't
make it. It was wonderful - it's the only show I did from the new studio,
and I felt like I was *really* back on the radio! (I think I brought up
about 4 hours of music for the two-hour show!) But the magic of 'UH (and
other "real" radio stations in college environments, like WBRU - as opposed
to 10-watt or closed-circuit ego trips) is that no matter how much one
does for the station, it always does more for you - sometimes you just
don't realize in what ways until later.
Cathy Spann offered the following recollection about 1973: I
remember rolling in at 6AM one morning to do FM on Toast, only to be greeted
by this man wearing what I would describe as a small leather loincloth.
That was Sweet Pie, and that's how I remember him, sitting practically
naked in the announcer's chair that morning, with long curly brown hair
and a smile. That'll wake you up fast!
Major headlines in 1973: A ceasefire is signed, ending involvement
of American ground troops in the Vietnam War. (Jan. 28); US bombing of
Cambodia ends, marking official halt to 12 years of combat activity in
Southeast Asia (Aug. 15).; Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
(OPEC) hikes oil prices tremendously in retaliation for Western countries'
involvement in Yom Kippur War. Nixon, on national TV, accepts responsibility,
but not blame, for Watergate; accepts resignations of H. R. Haldeman and
John D. Ehrlichman, fires John W. Dean III as counsel (April 30). Spiro
T. Agnew resigns as Vice President and then pleads no contest to charges
of evasion of income taxes while Governor of Maryland (Oct. 10). In the
"Saturday Night Massacre," Nixon fires special Watergate prosecutor Archibald
Cox and Deputy Attorney General William D. Ruckelshaus; Attorney General
Elliot L. Richardson resigns (Oct. 20).; US Supreme Court rules on Roe
v. Wade.
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